Welcome ♥
Benvenuti nel mio blog . Il mio nome è Cinzia e potete trovarmi su Second Life. Il cassetto dei sogni sta per aprirsi e come per magìa il mondo della moda sarà una splendida realtà. Frequento, spero con profitto, la prestigiosa Accademia MyLight Modeling Accademy ★MyLight Modeling Academy★ Academy for professional training of high fashion models. Teachers of great experience and reputation. Special courses to support competitions and casting. Contact for all information. Courses are open all year in Italian and English.
Shine bright like a diamond!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95yBFfbzD1I&feature=share
I miei Insegnanti sono la Famiglia che ho scelto per me, disponibili affabili ma severi come nessuno, ecco perchè adoro essere guidata da loro in questo percorso formativo. Seguitemi numerosi! vi aspetto.
Work in Progress
Welcome to my blog. My name is Cinzia and you can find me on Second Life. The drawer of dreams is about to open and, as if by magic, the fashion world will be a splendid reality. I attend, I hope to profit, the prestigious Academy MyLight Modeling Academy ★ MyLight Modeling Academy ★ Academy for professional training of high fashion models. Teachers of great experience and reputation. Special courses to support competitions and casting. Contact for all information. Courses are open all year in Italian and English.
Shine bright like a diamond !! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95yBFfbzD1I&feature=share
My Teachers are the Family that I have chosen for myself, available as affable but as strict as anybody, that's why I adore being guided by them in this formative journey. Follow me numerous! I wait for you.
Work in Progress